Why mobility in CrossFit is just as important as strength

written by Kathinka, Nutrition Consultant und Coach at Black Sheep Athletics

4. August 2024

CrossFit is one of the most varied sports there is. With elements from  Olympic weightlifting, strength training, gymnastics, and endurance,  CrossFit offers a variety of movements that not only are incredibly fun but  also promote our physical abilities in diverse ways. However, this variety  requires not just strength but also good mobility. 

Utilizing full movement potential 

In CrossFit, we learn not only to perform different movements from these  elements but also to put our bodies into various positions and find stability  within them. This allows us to utilize our full movement potential. We  move our joints through their full range of motion, in different positions,  and in coordination with each other. This is exactly what keeps our joints  healthy in the long term. 

Unfortunately, we often do this less in everyday life. Many of us spend a  lot of time in one position and less in movement or changing positions,  such as when working, sitting in front of the computer, or using our  phones. This leads to our shoulders, spine, and hips often remaining in the  same position and not being used to their full potential. Over time, we  become less mobile or even develop pain and discomfort. 

The importance of mobility in everyday life and training 

If we use less of our movement potential in everyday life, it restricts us in  the long term. If we don’t focus on utilizing and expanding our movement  potential in training, we may eventually be unable to perform CrossFit  training fully. 

At some point, we reach our limit: our strength may still be sufficient, but  we cannot perform a movement due to lack of mobility, or we may have  the necessary mobility but cannot stabilize ourselves sufficiently within it. 

Therefore, it is essential not only to work on strength and skills but also to  fully exploit our potential, expand our range of motion, and be able to  stabilize ourselves within this range at any time. 

Our Mobility and Stability class

Our Mobility and Stability class addresses exactly this: we specifically work  on our mobility and on feeling maximally stable and strong within  movements. Through special exercises, we improve the mobility,  flexibility, and stability of our joints and muscles, which benefits us not  only in CrossFit but also in everyday life. 

long-term benefits for everyday life 

This goal is not only important for CrossFit but also for our everyday lives.  The better we can move, the more mobile and stable we are, the longer we  can manage our daily tasks pain-free and effectively. Good mobility and  stability help us handle everyday tasks over long periods without  discomfort. They also help reduce the risk of injuries caused by stiff or  weak muscles and joints. 

Mobility and stability are key components for a healthy and active life.  They allow us to move our bodies efficiently and safely, leading to a  higher quality of life. With “Mobil und Stabil,” we help you improve your  mobility, prevent injuries, and take your training to the next level. Join us  and experience how much fun it is to unlock your full movement potential  and master your daily life pain-free!



Black Sheep Athletics
Aufgang 5 – 2. Stock
Am Tempelhofer Berg 6
10965 Berlin



6:00 – 21:00 Uhr


7:00 – 21:00 Uhr

Samstag/Sonntag: 9:30 – 14:00 Uhr



030 616 533 00


© 2024 – Black Sheep Athletics – CrossFit in Berlin